
2013年11月2日 星期六


首先恭喜高通公司(Qualcomm)共同創辦人、前任執行長厄文雅各博士(Dr. Irwin Mark Jacobs) 榮獲國立清華大學頒授「清華榮譽特聘講座」。高通公司是全球最大的手機晶片廠,是台灣多家科技大廠重要的事業伙伴。高通公司所以能成為全球最領先的電子通訊公司,Dr. Jacobs應居首功。

雅各布博士不僅是科技界傳奇人物,在學術界也大名鼎鼎,是全世界大企業領導者中少數具有崇高學術地位者。他是美國國家工程院院士,2013年榮獲IEEE 最高榮譽獎章;他在共同創辦Qualcomm以前,曾在美國麻省理工學院(MIT)與聖地牙哥加州大學(UCSD)任教,在MIT時共同撰寫的教科書《通訊工程原理》(Principles of Communication Engineering)於1965年首次出版後,迄今近50年,仍是數位通訊領域中重要的用書。他與友人分別於1968年及1985年創立Linkabit 和高通二家公司,是無線行動通訊技術的領導先驅。此外,由高通公司首先開發出來的分碼多重擷取系統(Code Division Multiple Access, CDMA) 對今日行動電話的快速發展有重大的影響,而他個人則擁有14CDMA系統的專利;歷經了類比通訊到數位通訊時代,面對市場快速的變化,都能以他創新的思維,帶領企業贏得先機。
Dr. Jacobs為美籍猶太人,他在高中時雖然對數學及化學等科目有興趣,但考量到當時就業市場的前景,接受輔導老師的建議,大學就讀飯店管理學院,但因受在工學院就讀的室友影響,作了重大決定,轉到電子工程系,這個領域啟發他的興趣,深深影響他日後的人生,不僅曾任該領域的大學教授外,也在機會來臨時,把握時機,成為Linkabit 和高通二家公司的共同創辦人,轉變為企業的經營者,正如常言所謂「人生的境遇常常是計畫趕不上變化,機會來了,就看你是否勇於接受挑戰。」
Dr. Jacobs初到加州大學聖地牙哥分校任教時,課堂上除了有工程系的學生外,也有從音樂和藝術部門來的學生和教師,在彼此的互動中開啟他對藝術和音樂的熱愛,日後,他與妻子也積極扶持聖地亞哥地區的文化藝術。他也曾公開表示,雖然沒有完成飯店管理學院的學位,但是當時修過的會計學、商業法等科目,在初次創業時著實有所幫助。也是「只要用心努力過的事物,都有可能在人生的某個決定點發揮意想不到的效用」說法的寫照。
清華大學很榮幸有科技與企業傳奇人物雅各布博士擔任「清華榮譽特聘講座」,成為清華大家庭中的一份子;尤其雅各布博士對人類福祉的關懷更是令人感佩;雅各布夫婦被《商業週刊》、《慈善紀事報》評為美國50位最慷慨的慈善家之一;他們也響應美國著名投資家巴菲特和微軟創辦人蓋茲夫婦的倡議,承諾將半數財富捐贈給慈善事業,成為簽署「捐贈宣言」(Giving Pledge)的40位美國億萬富翁之一。雅各布博士與夫人認為教育是使未來世界更美好的唯一途徑,我們相信這必然是他們對全球高等教育慷慨支持的主要驅動力;今天清華大學授予雅各布博士擔任「清華榮譽特聘講座」,不僅是因為他在教育、科技、企業方面的傑出表現,也是對他的重視與關懷教育精神致敬。
另一方面,清華大學、雅各布博士與高通公司在追求卓越與傑出成就上也有許多共通之處;以最近「上海交大兩岸四地大學排名」公布2013年排名,本校排名蟬聯第三名。根據這項調查,北京清華、台大分列第一、二名;清華雖次於北京清大、台大,但是受限於規模以及資源投入,如將此兩項因素納入考慮,則清華是名符其實的「華人首學」;同時與雅各布博士曾在MITUCSD任教巧合的是,本校劉炯朗前校長與徐遐生前校長曾分別在MITUCSD任教;再者,據雅各布博士說明Qualcomm源自Quality Communication,而本校剛於月前榮獲國家品質獎(National Quality Award),可謂最佳品質(Best Quality)的結合;另外高通公司的管理階層中也有多位清華的校友,這些人都是高通公司寶貴的資產。清華電機資訊學院多項領域在世界大學排名都有很好的表現,今日頒授「清華榮譽特聘講座」給Dr. Jacobs,除實至名歸外,堪稱相得益彰。

「清華榮譽特聘講座」以往只有七位得主,包括楊振寧、江琦玲於奈、James D. Watson三位諾貝爾獎得主、榮獲人文研究大獎克魯格獎 (Kluge Prize) 的余英時教授,MIT的杭士基(Noam Chomsky)教授、哈佛大學的Clayton Christensen教授以及台灣積體電路的張忠謀總裁,雅各布博士是第八位得主;相信今日雅各布博士與清華大學所建立的聯結必能在未來共同樹立傲人的里程碑。

Dr. Irwin Jacobs, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen:

It gives me great pleasure to confer upon Dr. Irwin Jacobs, Co-Founder and Former Chairman of Qualcomm Incorporated (Qualcomm) with the National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) Honorary Distinguished Chair Professorship.

Unquestionably, Qualcomm, in many ways, is synonymous to the name Jacobs, and is one of the leading, if not the leading, global semiconductor companies.  Its ubiquitous presence at nearly every corner of the globe is unparalleled.

While he is a technological legend, Dr. Jacobs is equally outstanding at home as a world-class academician. Prior to his co-founding Qualcomm, he was already well known for his far-reaching intellectual activities as a faculty member in two world-class institutions: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the University of California San Diego (UCSD.) The book he authored in 1965 Principles of Communication Engineering is the bible of this enormously important field, even and especially in the global knowledge economy in the 21st century. 

Honors bestowed on Dr. Jacobs are too numerous to list here. Indeed, in his many dimension of activities, the honor he had received included the following:

(a)                           A member of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE.) He was also Chairman of the Engineering Section of NAE Committee.

(b)                           Medal of Honor laureate of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE.) This is the highest honor bestowed by IEEE.

(c)                            The 1994 National Medal of Technology bestowed to Dr. Jacobs by President Bill Clinton. The byline of this award reads "For his development of Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) as a commercial technology adopted as a U.S. digital cellular standard."

(d)                           He and his wife Joan Jacobs are the recipients of the Woodrow Wilson Award for Corporate Citizenship for their contributors to public arts and education in San Diego, California. 

As a top research university of Taiwan situated in the heart of the vibrant Asia Pacific region, whose strengths in the business eco-system of Qualcomm, from basic to applications, is well renowned, National Tsing Hua University is truly honored that Dr. Irwin Jacobs, a technology and entrepreneurial legend, has accepted our high honor to become a member of the university’s family. While Dr. Jacobs’ scientific, technological and entrepreneurial successes are well known to all, we as a comprehensive educational institution is especially impressed by his deep concern of the welfare of humanity. He profoundly believes that education is the only solution to ensure a better world for all people. This belief, I surmise, must be the driving force for his and Mrs. Jacobs’ well known philanthropic generosity to higher education institutions around the globe. With this in mind, our honor to Dr. Jacobs is not just recognition of him as a great educator, scientist, technologist and entrepreneur; it is also recognition of him as a great human being.

Last, but not the least, I shall mention that Dr. Jacobs, Qualcomm and National Tsing Hua University share the passionate spirit of pursuing excellence as well as the achievement of the status of extraordinary accomplishments. The NTHU is a research university with a long and proud tradition. In the 2013 ranking of Shanghai Jiaotung University for universities in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau, NTHU is among the top three universities. It you take into account of the size factor, the NTHU is right at the top of over 3,000 universities in the greater China region. In addition, Dr, Jacobs and National Tsing Hua University are connected with many common threads, for example, as DR. Jacobs taught at the MIT and UCSD, our two former Presidents, David Liu taught at the MIT and Frank Shu taught at the UCSD, with considerable overlap. As DR. Jacobs explained that the name Qualcomm was originated form Quality Communication, the NTHU has just received the prestigious National Quality Award this year. It symbolizes that together we can achieve the best quality. Furthermore, as mentioned by DR. Jacobs, many of our alumni have served at the Qualcomm in the managerial positions with important functions.

With the acceptance of the honor, Dr. Jacobs shall find himself in stellar companies. The previous 7 recipients include 3 Nobel Laureates, Drs. C.N. Yang, Leo Esaki and James D. Watson, Dr. Morris Chang of the TSMC, Professor Ying-Shih Yu, recipient of the Kluge Prize for the study of Humanity, Prof. Noam Chomsky of the MIT as well as Prof. Clayton Christensen of the Harvard University. Today, we are truly delighted to honor Dr. Jacobs with the 8th Honorary Distinguished Chair Professorship of the NTHU. It is foreseen that the close bonding between Dr. Jacobs and the NTHU will certainly lead to great milestones in the future.

