
2010年11月17日 星期三

2010諾貝爾物理獎得主Dr. Konstantin Novoselov 演講致詞 (英文)

       Good afternoon everyone! It is my privilege to address at the occasion of this special talk on grapheme by the honorable Nobel laureate Dr. Konstantin Novoselov. On behalf of the National Tsing Hua University, I would extend my sincere welcome for Dr. Novoselov’s visit. It is perhaps for the first time that the NTHU receives a Nobel laureate before his/her formal acceptance of the prize. I would therefore also like to congratulate Dr. Novoselov for the well-deserved and prestigious Prize.
Dr. Novoselov and his co-worker Prof. Andre Geim were awarded 2010 Nobel Prize in physics for their work in discovering the miraculous graphene. Prof. Geim was also the PhD advisor of Dr. Novoselov a few years ago. Both laureates are working at Manchester University, and both were originally from Russia. According to the press release of Nobel Prize Committee: “Playfulness is one of their hallmarks, one always learns something in the process and, who knows, you may even hit the jackpot. Like now when they, with graphene, write themselves into the annals of science.” In the age of big science, it is indeed refreshing and stimulating to see small science with big impact.
Graphene is a material with one atomic thick made of carbon atoms. If we describe bulk crystalline graphite as a text book, then graphene would be a single leaf in this book. Since we have already used and learned so much from this remarkable book for centuries, now we finally have a chance to turn over a new single leaf and read it in detail.
Before 2004, scientists believe that any freestanding single crystal in 2D is just impossible based on a common sense of thermodynamics. However, Dr. Novoselov and Prof. Geim surprised us in 2004 by separating the graphene with a very brilliant, but simple, idea of using sticky tape to peel the layers off. It sounds like a simple, even a little bit crude, idea but you can be sure that it was not an easy process otherwise other people would have done it before. Graphene makes experiments possible that give new twists to the phenomena in quantum physics. It possesses extraordinary properties for conducting electricity and heat and is very strong. A great deal of research has been carried out following their pioneering work. Also a vast variety of practical applications now appear possible including the creation of new materials and the manufacture of innovative electronics. 
The famous Chinese novelist Chang Ai-Ling once said: “if possible, be famous while you are young.” Although many of us also aspire to have a Nobel Prize, the Prize is well known to be really, really difficult to come by. Hence I urge Dr. Novoselov, while you have it, enjoy it and enjoy it tremendously, especially when you are young. A good news for Dr. Novoselov is that, according to a U.S. study, prominent academics often lived longer than their peers. Among those academics, the Nobel Prize winners live the longest in average with the theory that they have a more satisfying life. It is really a double blessing.
Earlier this year, Dr. James Watson, who discovered the DNA structure, paid a visit to our campus. Dr. Watson received the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine in 1962 at the tender age of 34. It can be said that Dr. Watson has basked in glory ever since, for 48 years now, but he has also been instrumental in initiating the human genome project. It will be wonderful for Dr. Novoselov to set a world record to hold the Prize for even longer time, and possibly pick up another Nobel Prize sometimes in the future.
Dr. Novoselov’s timely visit and his talks will certainly give a tremendous boost to graphene community in Taiwan. Most importantly, Dr. Novoselov will provide valuable insight and inspiration for all our young scientists to realize their dreams. Once again, I would take this opportunity to welcome Dr. Novoselov, and I am looking forward to his marvelous talk. Thank you very much.

2010年11月14日 星期日

2010 環境分析與綠色科技研習會 (EAGT Workshop) 開幕典禮致詞講稿

首先本人謹代表清華大學歡迎所有貴賓蒞臨本校參加本次環境分析與綠色科技研習會 (Environmental Analysis and Green Technology Workshop EAGT Workshop) 開幕儀式。本校很感榮幸得以配合政府環保與科技單位政策與結合民間團體的力量,再次承辦EAGT Workshop,以兩週時間,協助培訓東南亞各國以及部分國內專業人員;經過相當時間的籌備,精心規劃一系列課程,希望藉由研習會課程與教師學員間的互動,讓學員對環境分析與綠色科技有進一步的了解;另一方面,除加強我國與東南亞國家間的科技關係,更可以促進彼此間的學術交流,共同為地球綠化盡一份心力。

對各位遠道而來的學員,容我以地主之誼,就清華大學歷史與現況作一簡單介紹;清華大學是一個具有優良傳統的大學,1911年由滿清政府運用美國退還多索的「庚子賠款」在北京設立,迅速發展為中國大陸一流大學;1949年國民政府遷台,原北京清華梅貽琦校長先到美國管理「庚子賠款基金」,再於1956年在台灣建立「國立清華大學」,也於短期間成為台灣的頂尖大學;清華大學不但培育出許多傑出校友,也樹立了學術自主及優良的教育風範:尊重學術自由、追求學術卓越、重視教學、關心學生、關懷社會。清華創造優質的研究教學環境,提供師生優美的清華園,吸引了極優秀的教師與學生,成為一緊密互動的學術社群。清華學術表現優異,有超過20% 教授得過國科會傑出研究獎以上的榮譽,比率冠於全國。清華大學於2010年泰晤士報世界大學排名,名列世界第107名,為臺灣各大學排名之首。




2010年11月9日 星期二

亞洲前沿有機化學國際會議致詞 (英文)

As the President of National Tsing Hua University, it is my greatest pleasure and honor to welcome all of you, the ACP-delegates to Hsinchu, Taiwan. We are pleased to host this International Conference on Cutting-Edge Organic Chemistry in Asia, the ICCEOCA-5 and NICCEOCA-1 starting from today in Hsinchu.
National Tsing Hua University is one of the top universities in Taiwan and has a long and proud history. First established as the Tsing Hua Academy at Tsing Hua Garden in Beijing in 1911, the Academy was renamed as National Tsing Hua University in 1928 as its curricula expanded to that of a full-fledged university. In 1956, National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) was reinstalled on its current campus in Hsinchu, Taiwan.
Since its reinstallation, NTHU has developed from an institute focusing on Nuclear Science and Technology to that of a comprehensive research university offering degrees and programs ranging from baccalaureate to doctorate in science, technology, engineering, humanities and social sciences, as well as management. NTHU has been consistently ranked as one of the premier universities in Taiwan and is widely recognized as the best incubator for future leaders in industries as well as academics. Such stellar records are particularly exemplified by the outstanding achievements of our alumni, including two Nobel laureates in physics Dr. Cheng-Ning Yang and Tsung-Dao Lee, one Nobel laureate in chemistry Dr. Yuan-Tseh Lee and one Wolf Prize winner in mathematics Dr. Shiing-Shen Chern.
I learned that the Asian CORE program of the JSPS was established in October 2005 for the purpose to create world-class research hubs in selected fields of science within the Asian region, and to foster the development and synergistic relations among the next generation of researchers by establishing sustainable partnerships among Asian institutions. The Cutting-Edge Organic Chemistry program was initiated by Professor Minoru Isobe in 2005 with Professors Chun-Chen Liao, Somsak Ruchirawat, Kou-Qiang Lin and Sunggak Kim. This Conference is the last one of the first 5-year program, and at the same time is the First Conference in the second 5-year program. I am happy to know that this program would be continuing for much longer years by the efforts of the international coordinators. I congratulate you on the outstanding achievements that all the previous annual meetings in Nagoya, Okinawa (2006), Bussan (2007), Han Zhou (2008), and Bangkok (2009) were very successful. In the past two months, I had the opportunity to take part in two of the prominent gatherings in Asia, the general meeting of Association of East-Asia Research Universities in Beijing and International Conference in Asia, IUMRS in Qingdao, China. The timeliness, relevance and convenience of the meetings coupled with global prominence of the Asian region all point to the increasingly important roles of ICCEOCA in the future.
      On behalf of National Tsing Hua University, I welcome all the members for your active participation. I also acknowledge the international advisory board and coordinators of the 8 countries/regions for your continuous efforts to make this program so outstanding and more visible. Funding agents are most important as well; namely, JSPS (Tokyo), NSFC (Beijing), KOSEF (Seoul), NRCT (Bangkok), and NSCT (Taipei). None of such activity would be possible without these supports.
      Finally, I hope that you will, of course, enjoy the conference but don’t forget also enjoy Taiwan’s natural beauty, culture and cuisine during your stay. Thank you.
International flower exposition

2010年11月3日 星期三









