
2013年9月23日 星期一

清華大學北加州招生說明會致詞 (中英文)

非常歡迎大家來參加今天的招生說明會;這也是清華大學率台灣的大學風氣之先,首次到美國對高中生進行招生活動,具有非凡的歷史意義。大家可能會好奇而有疑問「清華大學為何到美國來招生?」「為何到北加州?」「為什麼是現在?」 我想至少有五個好理由:
一、     如所有的頂尖大學,清華希望招收到多元而優秀的學子,中國有句俗語說:「不入虎穴,焉得虎子,」(Nothing venture, nothing gains)或直接翻作 If you look for cubs, you go to where the tigers are),到美國招生,選擇的第一站自然是作為創新之鄉的北加州矽谷地方。
二、     「國立清華大學」是台灣一所擁有悠久與光榮傳統的綜合性大學,最近「上海交大兩岸四地大學排名」公布2012年排名,本校排名第三,較2011年進步一名。根據這項調查,清華雖次於北京清大、台大,但是受限於規模以及資源投入,如將此兩項因素納入考慮,則清華是名符其實的「華人首學」。「國立清華大學」於1956年在台灣新竹建校,大師雲集,歷年來培育包括諾貝爾化學獎得主李遠哲先生、各界領袖等超過六萬名畢業生;同時清華位於台灣高科技產業集中的「新竹科學園區」之中,與高科技產業與創新產業互動密切。對自美來台學子,清華大學將提供美國高中生六個月的華語文輔助,協助語文上的學習,清華也己經有許多課程是英文授課,也有「必修課」英文授課配套措施,美國高中生的銜接應沒太大問題。
三、     由於中國以及新興亞洲國家的快速崛起,亞洲對勇於挑戰新世界秩序人士吸引力日增;在美國,越來越多的學生利用教育流動性機會到國外學習,而到亞洲學習成為大學教育的日益風行的趨勢。台灣是一個連結美國、日本、中國以及新興亞洲市場的理想中繼站,在世界經濟中扮演重要角色;台灣開放社會享有高品質生活,並熟稔美、日、中文化與語言,是未來從事與亞洲有密切關係工作最適當的學習環境。特別為對中國與專業學習有興趣的學子打開一扇大門,尤其歡迎有高度企圖心,不拘一格的逐夢年青人。亞洲現在正在起飛,各產業蓬勃發展,也有許多新興的職場機會。來台灣讀書可建立未來需要的廣大人脈,若從清華畢業,就近可以在新竹科學園區就業,遠則可以到大中國地區發展。
四、  如以成本效益而言,到清華學習,舉世恐怕找不到更好的選擇;清華的學術水準是「華人頂尖,世界一流」,但學雜費相對低廉,一方面因為台灣生活費用相對低廉,另一方面也由於政府長期凍漲學雜費政策;根據最近「世界銀行」數據,台灣在考慮「購買力平準」(purchasing power parityPPP)因素後每人平均收入約美金四萬元,僅比美國約48,000元略低,但學雜費則為美國名校的十分之一;最近我訪問馬來西亞一個頂尖大學,其校長即對台灣的低廉學雜費「嘖嘖稱奇,」而為吸引優秀學子,清華準備對特優學生提供包括學雜費以上生活費用的全額獎學金,應更具吸引力。
五、  清華在此時到美國招生有「投桃報李」的歷史意義;清華大學與美國的淵源深切,是華人地區沒有任何一個其他大學可以比擬的;約一百年前滿清政府在北京利用美國退還多索的庚子賠款(庚款)建校,另一方面,歷年來利用由庚款建立的「清華基金」,在全國選拔了近一千位優秀青年,以公費支持到美國名校就讀;這些學子在學成後,絕大多數回到中國,在許多行業成為領導人物,對中國現代化產生很重大的影響並有具體實質的貢獻,同時也帶動留學美國風潮,培養了一代又一代的知美與親美領導人物,另方面,台灣早年來美留學的菁英,80年代開始回台灣,創造台灣經濟起飛,許多當年留美菁英也到台灣的頂尖大學裡教學,而清華教師中絕大多數曾在美國接受研究所教育,為美國名校博士;同時「清華基金」在百年後仍持續運作,以投資獲利挹注清華大學「校務基金」;目前美國正面臨大學學費高漲,名校難申請的情況,清華大學希望能回饋當年美國歸還庚子賠款,興建清華大學的精神,符合長期「雙贏互利」原則,亦為恰當而適切。

Opening Speech for the National Tsing Hua University Information Session in Northern California

Welcome to the National Tsing Hua University information session for recruiting US Students. Today’s event is historical in the sense that it is the first time a Taiwanese University coming to the US to recruit the high school graduates. We have never done this before: to recruit undergraduate students from the United States. This is ground breaking for us. You may ask why we are doing this. Why we are here Why we hold an information session now? The reasons are several folds:
First of all, like all leading University in the world, we are eager to recruit a diversified and bright student body. There is a Chinese saying that “if you look for cubs, you go to where the tigers are.” Where else to look for the corps of bright young persons but the hub of innovation in the US, i.e. Northern California and, specifically, Silicon Valley
Secondly, we believe we have an outstanding academic program to offer. Tsing Hua is one of the top in Asia. After all, if we were not confident that we are among the very best, we wouldn’t be here. A recently released by Shanghai Jiaotong University ranking of more than 3,000 University in greater China, i.e. Chinese-speaking regions, National Tsing Hua University ranks no. 3. The top two Universities are three times in faculty and student numbers. Taking into account that he ranking criteria heavily favored the large-size University, the NTHU per capita is right at the very top. In addition, the NTHU is strategically located at the center of high technology in Taiwan, i.e. Hsinchu Science-Based Industrial Park. The students can also benefit from the close interactions with the world-leading high-tech companies as well as innovative new start-ups located in the vicinity. As remarked my our new Director of Center for Asia Policy, a former US diplomat, “ NTHU is an outstanding university on a beautiful tree-filled campus with a world-class faculty and first-rate students who are the equal of the best you would find anywhere.”
Thirdly, with Asia rising, Taiwan is the ideal gateway or springboard to the fastest growth region of the world. Taiwan is a modern and free society but also has long enjoyed the close and friendly relationships with U.S. Japan, China as well as other countries in the region. Taiwan is richly endowed with the best of Chinese culture in the center of the Asia continental rim. Many people are fluent in English and Japanese as well as well versed in these cultures. Asian opportunities are booming. In all corner of Asia, with a terrific education, a think outside-of-the-box attitude, opportunities are everywhere. It shall be very attractive for those students who are interested in pursuing a challenging career in the region. Being a student and alumni of the NTHU also means the ready connection through a strong and huge network of alumni. This is what Tsing Hua can offer you. It sits in the heart of Asia.  It is a world class university, and it is open-minded. You can learn from the society and culture around you, You can learn from your teachers and fellow students.  You can develop lasting relationships with future Asian leaders. There is now better place to live in Asia than Taiwan, where the future is being shaped.
Fourthly, in term of cost and benefit, you can not get a better deal. The academic program of NTHU is competitive with the best of the University in the US and available at a small fraction of the cost. It is because the cost of living is much lower in Taiwan and deliberate capping of the tuition and fees by the Government. The World Bank estimated that per capita PPP income of Taiwan is about US$40,000, slightly less than the US, but the tuition and fees are considerably lower. In fact, it is so low that during my recent visit to a top University in Malaysia, the president there was amazed by the low level of the tuition for college education in Taiwan. In addition, we offer very generous scholarship to cover all cost for top students.
Fifthly, it is a way of payback to what the US has done for the NTHU. Tsing Hua University was founded more than 100 years ago with the return of excess indemnity fund of the Boxer War from the US government. With this fund, Tsing Hua Foundation sent about 1,000 the best and brightest students to US for advanced study. Almost all of them returned to China after the completion of the study in US and became leaders of the various sectors of the Chinese societies. They contributed significantly to the modernization of China. In addition, most of our present faculties received advanced degrees form the top universities in US. On top of all these, even today, the NTHU is receiving the support of the dividends from the investment of the Tsing Hua Fund which was evolved from the original indemnity fund. It is only proper and we consider as our mission to educate US students for the mutual benefit in the long run.
Overall, if you are looking for a great education and a wonderful experience in Asia, look to National Tsing Hua University. 

Last but the least, I wish to thank many persons and organizations, which are too numerous to name individually, to make today’s information session possible. Wishing you all a very happy day!

