
2010年12月24日 星期五

清華三亞數學論壇致詞 (英文)

On behalf of the National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), also known as Hsinchu Tsing Hua, or just simply “the other Tsing Hua,” I would like to extend my hearty congratulations on the establishment of Tsing Hua Sanya Mathematical Forum. National Tsing Hua University shares the same root with Beijing Tsing Hua since we were founded by President Mei Yi-Chi in Hsinchu in 1956 and President Mei used to be the President of Beijing Tsing Hua during the period of 1931-1949. Furthermore, when NTHU was reinstalled in Hsinchu, it continued to be the beneficiary of the support from Tsing Hua Foundation which was established with the Boxers’ indemnity returned by the U.S. government and the same fund was used to establish Beijing Tsing Hua in 1911.

Today, the two Tsing Hua share the same name, same university motto, same university song, very similar logo, and the same nomenclature system for buildings, the list of sameness and similarities can go on and on, but the fact is that the relationship and bonding between us is extraordinarily close and strong. It is truly one of a kind among the top ranked universities around the world.

It is perhaps not by coincidence that I went to Taiwan from this island in 1949, the year President Mei was picked up by a plane sent by the Nationalist Government to Beijing at the last minute before the fall of Beijing in the civil war. With much historical apprehension on my mind, I am, however, particularly thrilled to witness the establishment of a world-class Center from the other branch of Tsing Hua on this island. As the President of the university where the National Center for Theoretical Sciences, National Science Council is located, I foresee a close cooperation and active interactions between the center and the Mathematical Forum under the directorship of Prof. Shing-Ting Yau, who was conferred with an honorary doctoral degree, along with another great mathematician as well as Tsing Hua alumnus, Dr. Chen Hsin-Sheng, by NTHU in 2000.

Finally, let me congratulate the establishment of the Forum again. Thank you!

