
2010年12月24日 星期五

清華三亞數學論壇致詞 (英文)

On behalf of the National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), also known as Hsinchu Tsing Hua, or just simply “the other Tsing Hua,” I would like to extend my hearty congratulations on the establishment of Tsing Hua Sanya Mathematical Forum. National Tsing Hua University shares the same root with Beijing Tsing Hua since we were founded by President Mei Yi-Chi in Hsinchu in 1956 and President Mei used to be the President of Beijing Tsing Hua during the period of 1931-1949. Furthermore, when NTHU was reinstalled in Hsinchu, it continued to be the beneficiary of the support from Tsing Hua Foundation which was established with the Boxers’ indemnity returned by the U.S. government and the same fund was used to establish Beijing Tsing Hua in 1911.

Today, the two Tsing Hua share the same name, same university motto, same university song, very similar logo, and the same nomenclature system for buildings, the list of sameness and similarities can go on and on, but the fact is that the relationship and bonding between us is extraordinarily close and strong. It is truly one of a kind among the top ranked universities around the world.

It is perhaps not by coincidence that I went to Taiwan from this island in 1949, the year President Mei was picked up by a plane sent by the Nationalist Government to Beijing at the last minute before the fall of Beijing in the civil war. With much historical apprehension on my mind, I am, however, particularly thrilled to witness the establishment of a world-class Center from the other branch of Tsing Hua on this island. As the President of the university where the National Center for Theoretical Sciences, National Science Council is located, I foresee a close cooperation and active interactions between the center and the Mathematical Forum under the directorship of Prof. Shing-Ting Yau, who was conferred with an honorary doctoral degree, along with another great mathematician as well as Tsing Hua alumnus, Dr. Chen Hsin-Sheng, by NTHU in 2000.

Finally, let me congratulate the establishment of the Forum again. Thank you!

2010年12月12日 星期日



微軟的創辦人比爾蓋茲連續蟬聯14年世界首富寶座. 他的父親出書告訴大家,他如何教出比爾蓋茲。老比爾蓋茲說比爾蓋茲自幼聰明、努力、又有創意,但最重要一點是成長於適當環境中。若比爾蓋茲生長在阿富汗或巴基斯坦等赤貧地區,那比爾蓋茲很可能就是文盲。所以,每個人的成功和社會及生活環境有密切的關係。



2010年12月7日 星期二






科管學會今年歡慶成立20年,回首來時路,可見世界情勢的急劇變化,現今已很難想像,二十年前,網際網路還在萌芽階段,具有代表性的網景 (Netscape) 甫於1994年上市,中間又歷經公元兩千年的達康 (dot.com) 泡沫化,近年來,不僅恢復元氣,而且帶動新一波的資訊革命。

對長期在世界各國中稱雄的美國而言,過去十年並不好過,有美國名政論家甚至以「災難十年形容,除2001年,911事件」導致美國出兵阿富汗、伊拉克外,2005年,Katrina 颶風引致水淹 New Orleans2008 年,金融風暴自美國席捲全球,天災加人禍,適逢中國大陸在經濟上突飛猛晉,有了大國崛起的機會;另一方面,美國由於創新文化,如 iPhoneGoogleFacebook等創新依舊領先世界,並不會一蹶不振,所以未來是兩雄相爭之局;反觀國內,產業成長動力在最近十年明顯減緩,原來的「兩兆雙星」明星產業甚至淪為「產業」,具有高度競爭力的新產業則尚未出現,未來面對極大挑戰,而科技創新必然更形重要,科技管理無疑將扮演關鍵角色。




2010年12月4日 星期六

印度前總統Dr. Abdul Kalam演講致詞 (英文)

Fellow Faculty Members, Students, Ladies and Gentlemen:

It is my honor and privilege to introduce our guest speaker for today, His Excellency Dr. Abdul Kalam, former President of the Republic of India.

As we all know, India is the world’s second-most populous country with over 1.2 billion people and the most populous democracy in the world. Its long and rich history can be traced back to 5000 years ago. One of the world’s major religions – Buddhism has its origin in India. Today’s India has emerged as the one of the world’s fastest growing economies.

During Dr. Kalam’s term of office from 2002 to 2007 as the President of his country, India experienced rapid economic development and fueled its rise on the world stage. You might think Dr. Kalam must be a politician, but actually he is an aeronautical engineer by training and profession. A graduate from the Madras Institute of Technology in 1957, he was the Project Director and heavily involved in the development of India’s first indigenous satellite launch vehicle (SLV-3) which successfully injected the Rohini satellite in the near earth orbit in July 1980, and made India one of the exclusive members of Space Club. Dr. Kalam also played a key role in the development of India’s strategic missile systems and its nuclear capability.

As Chairman of Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council and as an eminent scientist, Dr. Kalam led the country with the help of 500 experts to arrive at Technology Vision 2020 giving a road map for transforming India from the present developing status to a developed nation. In order to achieve its objective, he took a mission to ignite the young minds for national development by meeting school students across the country. During the last decade, Dr. Kalam has addressed over five million youth below the age of 17 and inspired them to become an active participant of India Vision 2020.

As a distinguished scientist, Dr. Kalam was awarded with the “King Charles-II Medal” for Science and Technology in October 2007 and the “Woodrow Wilson Award” in 2008. The Royal Academy of Engineering, London conferred on him the “International Medal” in June 2009.

I recognize that this is a rare and extremely valuable opportunity to hear Dr. Kalam’s speech in person. Now please join me in welcoming our guest speaker His Excellency Dr. Abdul Kalam

Closing remark:

We have just listened to Dr. Kalam’s powerful and thought provoking speech on the critical role technology can play and impact on the economic development in a country. His remarks inspire and encourage us to look at economic development from a different perspective. It is truly inspiring and visionary.

On behalf of all the audience, I would like to express our heartfelt and sincere thanks to Your Excellency for sharing your vision and knowledge.

Dr. Kalam is about to leave Taiwan this afternoon. We wish him a very pleasant journey back to India. Thanks! Your Excellency!

Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen, once again I want to state that we are all most grateful to the speaker on this stage. We thank you for being with us this afternoon - it’s been a great pleasure.

Thank You Very Much!